what do yo think about our God? Male or female? I got this doubt coz just now I read a telugu blog that was talking about women's importance in Hinduism. it says that hinduism is the only religion in which "woman" is given a great importance by being worshipped as "jaganmaata""(mother of the universe) where as in other religions like christianity woman is not given right due.is it true? is christianity some kind of male dominant religion(I'm not talking about RCM church here where mother mary is worshipped) where woman is supposed to cover her hair& shut her mouth & do nothing other than shedding tears in prayers? I heard some pastors bragging "our god is not an impotent God, he is omnipotent!". Jesus was a man. so the moment we think about God, either Yahweh or Jesus, we see a male. is there more to a woman in Bi...ble?you know one of the names of our God in hebrew is "El- shaddai". most english version render "El- shaddai" as God almighty. but "shadaim" in hebrew means breasts. then El- shaddai would mean "God with breasts". (shocked?) God of sufficiency and nourishment. Is there any food in this world which can be compared with mother's milk when it comes to nourishment? God is promising us the complete sufficiency.
a new born baby immediately recognises her mother. I could never be to viri what her mother was. only she can put her to sleep. she would sleep only on her shoulder. only her mother could comfort her from crying. what's the difference? the breast feeding. Viri understood that there is no greater love than her Mother's. God, loves us somuch. that He would comfort you, feed you like a mother. He want's to breast feed you. (wow! I just love this Idea). He is not only a All powrfull, almighty God. He's also a loving mother to you. just hug him tight today.(my opinions are open for debate or correction)
1 comment:
Hi Joshua,
I like that you bring up the point that Hinduism claims that it is the only religion that respects women, and that other religions and in your case Christianity don't do so. Kind of sad though that your response is to then introspect and check if Christianity in fact doesn't respect women, but not of one questioning if Hinduism in fact does really respect its women or not? And what authority do Hindus have in claiming other religions don't.
Hinduised India has the following women related social evils which other counties and religions have not even heard of
1. Female Foeticide/Infanticide
2. Caste based marriages
3. Honor killings if an inter caste marriage is sought by kids
4. Dowry deaths
5. Forced,compulsory widowhood
6. A society where a girl always needs an escort even to go to the corner shop
7. Rapes galore
and the list goes on. And since your blog is spiritual in nature where is the Hindu version of the nunnery? No sir there is none, according to Hindu law a woman of any caste is equivalent to a Sudra when it comes to her ability to learn the veda. So when you hear Hindus saying they have a Jaganmata temple, they also have devadasis in those very temples (dalit women married to God and availabel for the whole village to share).
And Indians also claim the first woman PM, President and strong female political representation but it actually falls flat and shows that it is just a fake position based on the lack of policies that actually promote and/or protect women.
I definitely understand that you post is spiritual, and personal in nature but being a conscientious blogger myself I see the need for Indians to question the Hindu religion and challenge the Hindu mindset irrespective of their religion.
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