last Sunday after the service we all went to dev's place. Dev& Soumya who are recently married, stay in a pent house near Malaysian town ship. After having a delicious lunch, the women practiced singing for their " Women's day celebration" while some of us ( pravin, kishan, ruth & I) happily slept & snored. By the time we woke up it was dark. I still managed to emotionally black mail soumya & make her prepare some tea. & After having tea, finally we came out to the terrace to leave. As we were walking towards the stairs I looked into the sky casually & found the moon & twinkling stars in the clear dark blue sky.I couldn't resist saying Wow ! the serenity captivated me. An emotion, a feeling associated with many memories from my child hood gripped my heart. I couldn't stop but think "When was the last time I looked at the stars?"
It also reminded me one of my conversations with my wife before we got married. I mean, when we were still just friends. One night when I called her casually, she said she's on terrace. I asked her "what are you doing on terrace?" she said "nothing. Just looking at the stars". That answer was quite surprising. I mean "just staring at stars" ? don't you have anything important to do?
After that incident, as I was pondering on it while I was driving to my boutique, I remembered my many experiences with "star gazing". My childhood was spent in villages. Some part in Polavaram, a village on the banks of river Godavari. Life was all about playing in polavaram. Playing in the sand at the river's shore, playing cricket along with my brother on the clay on the bank of the river ( I still remember how my dad chased both of us from the cricked ground to our house when we were playing in the red hot sun), Playing in the muddy pools with friend after the famous floods in 1986. But the most nostalgic memory is lying on the terrace along with annayya& akka in the summer vacation & looking at the stars& moon listening to the stories told by chinnanna. Then we used to go to grandparent's village. Eating the cookies grandmas made, we used to roam along with friends all through the day. But in the night, we all used to lie down on the nulaka mancham ( a cot widely used in villages made up of some Eco- friendly yarn) & stare at the stars twinkling in the clear dark blue sky. Looking into the sky was a everyday programme in summers.
What a days were those..
When we were in Bapatla, some times my dad used to narrate us stories from Russian revolution while all of us used to lie down after dinner in the summer vacation. Staring at the white lit moon, as the cool breeze used to touch us softly & leave,we used to get lost in an imaginary world hearing our dad fascinatingly explaining how Stalin's men fought bravely with the unbeatable Germans& made them flee. Slowly& unknowingly we used to get into a deep slumber. Those golden days of my childhood. No need of any fans, no knowledge of mosquito coils. When was the last time I felt free& liberated like that? When was the last time I looked at the stars?
After coming to Hyderabad I tried to do it again. lying on the terrace& looking at the stars. But even before I could find where the moon is, the mosquitoes would find me & start having a feast. No number of mosquito coils or no amount of repellent creams could save me. Slowly & gradually I came out of this fantasy called star gazing& started sleeping like how everybody sleeps in Hyderabad. With fan in it's maximum speed, a mosquito coil beside my bed& watching TV.
That night after getting bumped into the moon& stars at Dev's terrace, I suddenly realizes what I've lost. I've lost eyes that would look into the sky. I lost a heart with curiosity. I lost my imagination. I lost my sense of wonder.& I lost it coz I stopped looking into the sky & started watching TATA sky.
the Bible says:
1 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. colossi ans 3:1
When was the last time you looked at the things that are above? When was the last time you looked into the sky?
Our mornings start late coz our nights start late. Our nights start late coz our work demands us to leave late. The pollution & the traffic leave us dry& lifeless so by the time we reach home all we want to do is lie. Who got time to look into the sky?
They say What we see is what we believe. Come out of your apartment & try to look around. All you see is sky scrapers, buildings. On the way to our offices all we see is coolest vehicles& latest cars. Even if you want to look into sky, your view is obstructed by hoardings. Hoardings displaying latest movie or latest car or latest alcohol brand. As most of us believe only what we see, we end up believing the latest car or coolest house or latest fit of jeans as ultimate reality. We work hard to make money throughout the month & spend it on these "realities" .
If only we could see the sky...
The magnificent Sun & the splendour of the moon, the twinkling stars & the large blue sky..they would witness the Creator's Handy work. They would lead you to the Master craftsman. As we get lost in appreciating the beauty of the creation we end up finding Creator in every thing we see.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard. [a]
4 Their voice [b] goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world. Psalms 19:1-5
How pity that even we, Christians, who are called to hope for the "city with foundations, whose builder & maker is God " are getting trapped in this illusionary reality. There were days when Christians were kicked out of houses for believing in Jesus. Not having more than one pair of clothes to wear, not having anything to eat, But still had this inexpressible & glorious Joy in Christ making them restless to share the good news with others. People like Sadhu Sundar singh, Bhakt singh were thrown out of the houses not having a single penny in their pockets for believing in this faith. My mom used to narrate me stories about people like P.M Samuel garu, (the founder of Indian Pentecostal Church), how he had only one pair of clothes to wear & how he used to wash it in a pond outside the village& remain in the pond till it gets dried& then come out, wear it & go to the villages to preach GOOD NEWS. Men of God, who were desperate to save the souls from hell. who were desperate to share this joy of salvation. El- Roi, the God who sees, did not fail them. Their blessings are beyond this lifetime.
What are we called to be & what we've become?
Where did we loose the hope? Where did we get lost?
why our churches are so pompous &became our idols?
why we take pride in the golden jewellery we wear than the Holy Bible we carry?
why reknowned preachers are standing in the courts facing land grabbing allegations?
Why christian names are heard in murder& robbery cases?
Why our youth find wearing one big metal cross in the neck is "cool" but coming & sitting in the church is pain?
Where did we go wrong? Where did we loose our hope?
We lost our hope coz we lost our focus. Instead of looking unto Jesus, we started looking at the world& lost our track.
the Bible says:
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. 1 Corinthians 15:19
It also says:
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20
Let's look unto Jesus today. Let's look unto the SUN of righteousness today. Let His glory, blind us for this world& it's pleasures. & let His light shine upon our lives . Let's get lost in His presence today.
Let's look UP to HIM& HIM alone today.